November 25, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Let’s face it. Weddings are crazy expensive. I’m all about finding ways to save money, and there are lots of ways you can do so. But if you only splurge on one thing for your wedding, LET IT BE PHOTOGRAPHY. Why? Because it’s true! If you live in the tri-state area, chances are you know someone who is a “photographer” and it’s tempting to hire them for cheap or even have them shoot your wedding as a wedding gift to you to save money, but hear me now and believe me later, DON’T DO IT!!!
Here’s why:
1. You will not get this chance again.
This is your wedding. Hopefully you will only be having one. Isn’t it worth the investment? The #1 regret I hear from brides (that didn’t hire us) about their wedding day is that they were not happy with their photos or photographer. Don’t be one of them! Besides, when else will all of your family and friends be gathered in one place? Probably never (except for at your funeral…but by then, you won’t care). The value of having poor photos now far exceeds the $1,000 or whatever money was saved on the ‘cheaper’ photographer.
2. It’s not just for you, it’s for everyone who loves you.
Your uncle couldn’t capture this with his camera.Of course your wedding day should be all about your fiance’s and your effort, but don’t forget how much time, energy, and money your family and wedding party have put into it as well. They deserve some nice photos to remember the occasion by. But even more than that, think about future generations. Won’t your children and grandchildren want to see these? What girl doesn’t love seeing old wedding photos of the generations before hers? This is the one aspect of your wedding (aside from your marriage itself) that will last forever.
3. A wedding photographer can anticipate what will happen next.
This is why you should not only get a great photographer, you should have a great WEDDING photographer. If you hire someone whose livelihood is shooting weddings, there is a pretty good chance they have done this enough times to not only know where they need to be in order to capture certain moments, but also random things like what kind of light will come through a stained glass window at 5:00 in May, etc. Hiring the Weekend Hobbyist Photographer who is still learning to become a great photographer won’t be good enough!
4. A great photographer can turn an ordinary wedding into an extraordinary wedding.
I have seen this first hand on multiple occasions. A couple is on a tight budget and doesn’t have a lot of money for decor or fancy extras at their wedding. But they choose to hire a great photographer, and lo and behold when you see the photos you would think the wedding cost twice what it really did. The photographer captures everything at its best, and everything that is wonderful about the day, and when you look at your photos you remember your wedding day fondly.
5. If it doesn’t turn out well, you don’t want to have hard feelings with a friend.
This is a big one. If you hire (or ask a favor from) a friend and the photos don’t turn out well, it can seriously damage your relationship. Every time you see that person for the rest of your life you will think of how s/he “ruined” your wedding photos. It may not be intentional, but you will. Its kind of like if they ran over your cat with their car tire. You know its not intentional, but you can’t help but associating them with this one unfortunate act. If you hire a real professional, there’s no worrying about how the photos will come out.
So how much does a great wedding photographer cost? This depends on what all is included. Some photographers quote their rates for shooting only, while others quote packages that include both shooting and prints, albums, digital images, etc. When you are researching photographers you should keep this in mind and make sure you are comparing apples to apples with regard to pricing. That being said, DSP Gallery’s coverage starts at only $2,500 and it includes an engagement session, all-day unlimited coverage, a show in our theater immediately following your honeymoon, a private online gallery, and a CD slideshow of all of your images. Everything else with our service is a la carte to assure you get exactly (and only) what you want! We also include photo retouching for all 8×10’s or larger, and we do our own graphic designing as well. We’re not the cheapest photographers, but what you get in return is priceless. How can you argue with that?


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